
Welcome, fellow genealogists! My blog will teach you about U.S. land records and United Kingdom research. My family has roots in Niagara County, New York; Norfolk, England; and northeast Germany.

Friday, May 11, 2012

NGS Conference - Day 2

I did not step foot in the Exhibit Hall at all yesterday. Day 2 was jammed full of education. I began the morning at the Board of Certification session, only to find that it may not be for me at this stage of life. One submits a potfolio of work to the Board. One portion is document work. Suddenly the Day 1 lecture about transcription and abstraction had a purpose. I got it...

I mentioned earlier that I would go off topic for some German workshops so the next three were on that topic. Teresa McMillin, John Humphrey and Warren Bittner are well known in this field, and the room was packed. Some were turned away from the first two. Then we were treated to genealogists acting badly...perhaps one genealogist acting badly. My Advice: Get organized. Get where you are supposed to be on time or read it in the syllabus material.

The last workshop was very good, even better if you live or research in Virginia. It was about genealogists and the law. I have all sorts of new resources to use. This material was excellent for intermediate and seasoned researchers.

Off to Day 3 now. Read Dick Eastman's blog if you want a list of some of the frustrations. At least he is staying in the suburbs and has traffic problems. I had hoped that a small city like this would have solved some of the big convention hotels' issues. No. He mentions expensive food which is an issue, but being on my perpetual diet, I just order less or use an appetizer for dinner.

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