I’m back! It’s been awhile since
I posted here, so let me tell you about the Ohio State Genealogy Conference in
Cincinnati and a new resource for books and online classes for UK, US, Irish
and Canadian research.
1. The
OGS Conference was great with about 700 people registered. My travel plans went
without a hitch even though the air controllers were having a job action due to
the Sequester. Thus I arrived on
Thursday and only missed the morning keynote speaker.I spoke twice on Saturday about land records and had a large number each time. They applauded at the end so I must have done something right.
Next year’s OGS Conference is in the northern part state in Sandusky at a facility called the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center from April 30-May 4, 2014.
2 . Last year at NGS, I bought a book at the Heritage Productions booth, titled Researching English Non-Anglican Ancestors by Dr. Penelope Christensen. You can see that I referred to it many times through the year as I wrote about researching religious groups in the UK who were not affiliated with the Church of England. This year in Cincinnati, I picked up another of Dr. Christensen’s books, Researching English Poor Law and Parish Chest Records.
This publisher based in Toronto, Ontario, has a huge number of books arranged into a number of series on their website www.genealogystore.com. There are over twenty titles in their General Series, which I would term the non-geographically specific books about organizing data or writing a family history. Then there are a number of books grouped together in the American Series, the Canadian Series, the English Series, the Irish Series and the Scottish Series. Finally there are several books about research in other European countries.
Heritage Productions is an arm of the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. They have online courses which you can take for pleasure or to receive a certificate for genealogy research in either Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, Scotland or the United States. Check this out at www.genealogicalstudies.com.